1969b Catalogue

Italian    Copy of 1969bITa.jpg (56150 bytes) Copy of 1969bITj.jpg (81352 bytes)

UK         Copy of 1969bUKa.jpg (54126 bytes) Copy of 1969bUKj.jpg (76589 bytes)

US         Copy of 1969bUSa.jpg (51915 bytes) Copy of 1969bUSd.jpg (59798 bytes) Copy of 1969bUSe.jpg (59805 bytes) Copy of 1969bUSf.jpg (55974 bytes) Copy of 1969bUSj.jpg (56979 bytes)

This is the second edition of 1969.

The Y5 Peugeot is now shown in black / yellow.

The Y8 Sunbeam has been replaced with the Stutz.

The Y10 Mercedes has been replaced with the Rolls Royce Silver Ghost.