Y7 1913 Mercer Raceabout Type 35J

1y7.jpg (23437 bytes) 2Copy of Y7golda.jpg (35874 bytes) 3Copy of Y7goldb.jpg (42619 bytes) 4.DSC01778.jpg (103560 bytes)

This model is one of the scarcer ones, although I have seen quite a few for sale lately. There are fakes of this model about though, made around the same time as the fake Bugatti's. It is reputed to have been issued in gold but I have never seen one yet. I have only ever found it on this black ashtray with the description of the model on the base and nothing else. Again it has two holes in the base and small supporting lugs to fit over the screws.

One of the great things about running a site like this is that it makes a liar of you very quickly. I don't mind as it furthers our knowledge of all things Matchbox. Well here we go again - I said I have never seen one and up pops Mike Thomas with one he scored on Ebay. The gold Mercer is indeed a rare beastie and it is a pleasure to show it here. The list says it should have type 1 wings but it looks like a type 2 with the bar across just visible in pic. 2. Again from Ricardo Cortes-Monroy is another Mercer in gold, so thanks guys


Number Plating Wheels Tyres Seats Wings Base
1 Gold Plated Black knobbly Black 1st type open 3 line
2 Silver Un-plated Grey Knobbly Black 1st type open 4 line
3 Silver Plated Black knobbly Black 1st type open 4 line
4 Silver Un-plated Black knobbly Black 2nd type part closed 4 line
Note: As regard issue 1, I would presume that this was a first trial as the 3 line inscription base denotes that no holes were ever put in the base and this was a well known first trial model to test the plating of Yesteryears. It should also therefore exist in silver as well.