1969a Catalogue


German                Copy of 1969aGa.jpg (54823 bytes) Copy of 1969aGj.jpg (56201 bytes)

International        Copy of 1969aIa.jpg (50449 bytes) Copy of 1969aIj.jpg (78555 bytes)

Italian                   Copy of 1969aITa.jpg (53334 bytes) Copy of 1969aITj.jpg (81522 bytes)

UK                        Copy of 1969aUKa.jpg (52370 bytes) Copy of 1969aUKb.jpg (62166 bytes) Copy of 1969aUKc.jpg (61749 bytes) Copy of 1969aUKd.jpg (59271 bytes) Copy of 1969aUKe.jpg (58473 bytes)

                              Copy of 1969aUKf.jpg (62633 bytes) Copy of 1969aUKg.jpg (60497 bytes) Copy of 1969aUKh.jpg (60790 bytes) Copy of 1969aUKi.jpg (60289 bytes) Copy of 1969aUKj.jpg (80725 bytes)

US                         Copy of 1969aUSa.jpg (54831 bytes) Copy of 1969aUSj.jpg (56979 bytes)

This was the first catalogue version for 1969

The Y5 Bentley has been replaced by the Peugeot ( shown in non issued color of blue).

The Y6 Cadillac is now gold.

The Y7 is now in it's correct colours of silver / red.