On this page you will find some links to some other Matchbox related sites. I have not reviewed all of the sites linked to this Web Site and I am not responsible for the contents of any off-site pages or any other sites linked to this Web Site. The inclusion of any link to such sites does not imply endorsement by myself of the sites. Your linking to any other off-site pages or other sites is at your own risk.

Want to add your site to this list. Then all I ask is that it is Matchbox intensive. Contact me

You will find no mention or references here to the MATTEL name (present owners of the Matchbox label) or their WEBSITE, the present owners of Matchbox,  for my own personal reasons. If you wish to know why then contact me personally and I will discuss the matter further with you.

Click the blue link on the left to scroll down to a description of the site.
MOYBOYZ Inter The best forum board for Yesteryear collectors


Inter. Matchbox Collectors Club
Moko Lesney Matchbox AUS Collectors site for Regular wheels 1 -75
Dream Tin Toys Germany Best site on the web for Early Lesney and MOKO toys
Mattel Inter Matchbox brand owner site

Marks Models of Yesteryear

UK Collectors site - Mark Robbins

The Modelstore

UK Shop site

Recover Toys

AUS Collectors site

All you need to know about Matchbox

USA Collectors site - Shabbir Malik


UK Shop and collectors site in one/ 

Nick's Matchbox Collection

UK Collectors site - Nick Jones

Vintage British Diecast

UK Collectors site - Nick Jones incredible Vintage British Diecast forum board

Toy Link

UK Links to other sites - die cast related

Matchbox Models of Yesteryear

USSR Collectors site
Unique Collections UK Shop site
Alan White UK Small Trader
Nigel Clarke's 1 -75 Site UK Collectors site for Regular wheels 1 -75
Matchbox USA Collectors Site for Superfast 1 -75 - Currently Closed
Jim Kelleher USA Collectors site for Regular wheels 1 -75
Christian Falkensteiner's Homepage Austria Collectors Site for Superfast 1 -75
Enter Planet Diecast UK Shop site   **NEW** Check it out - well worth a visit
DIE-CAST Automotive Models UK Collectors site - Andrew Woods collection of Matchbox, Corgi and other brands
BAMCA USA Bay Area Matchbox Collectors Association - Matchbox club
MCCH USA Enough said - Mr. Mark Curtis runs the most over moderated and policed board on the net (don't say 'Ebay'). If you like your posts deleted then it will surely be done here if your views do not correspond to the owners. Used to be a good site with everybody on but most have left or been banned for minor crap and now frequent other boards like Nick Jones excellent 'Vintage British Diecast' forum for 1-75 range and 'Moyboyz' forum  for MOY



New Forum board site for collectors of the Models of Yesteryear range. Come and join us from all around the world. If you need to know anything MoY related then this is the place to ask. We have collectors with some of the largest Yesteryear collections to the newly started collectors - a real friendly lot of guys and girls. Free Sell & Buy forum plus many of the other smaller ranges.

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Matchbox International Collectors Association

This is the club for collectors run by Kevin McGimpsey.  I would advise anybody who seriously considers collecting to join this club. The rates are very reasonable and the information published in the new online magazine is invaluable. Regular conventions are held in the UK, US, Europe and Australia. There are auctions of many rare models in each magazine and all are authenticated. Contact them at: 

MICA UK & EUROPE -MICA UK, PO BOX 120, Deeside, CH5 3HE, England                                        Telephone/Facsimile: 01244 303335

MICA AUSTRALIA, N Z & SOUTH PACIFIC -PO Box 26,Winston Hills, NSW 2153, Australia              Telephone: (02) 8824 8570 Facsimile:(02) 8824 8579

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Great site run by John Houghton, publisher of 'The Definitive Guide to Matchbox Toys - 1-75 Series 1953 -1969' A great site with exposé's on how to spot repaints and fakes as well as some other interesting pages. Also the place to purchase a copy of his guide to these models which is to say the least, a great work and should be a reference for any collector into these models.  I have been having a read of this labour of love and found it totally engrossing.

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Probably the best sites you will find on early MOKO toys and the Lesney Early range of toys. Hans and Marco have made a superb job of these 2 sites and you can see the rarest of the rare on here. If you only ever add one to your 'favourites' list then this is it.

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Owners of the Matchbox brand and producers of these wonderful cars we all love so much. A listing of all their country based sites. Good news is that there will be a release of new Yesteryears models in 2006 - wonderful! Thank you John C. and gang

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Mark specializes in the years 1957 to 1972. A very informative site and one of the best designed around. Excellent content on Yesteryears.

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A very reputable dealer through mail order. I have dealt with this toyshop on many occasions and have always found them to be very helpful. Their mail order service is excellent and they have a secure ordering site. Top marks!

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Found this site while surfing. Tony Howden is a very nice guy who makes repro boxes as well as spare parts and much more. The boxes cannot be passed off as original like some were in the past, as all are printed inside with his logo, but they help to display a model with a tatty box until a more perfect one comes along. A real nice guy and an excellent service. Also a Matchbox collector among other things.

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Shabbir Malik runs this site from the USA. A really nice guy to deal with. It is one of the biggest and best sites around and contains a vast amount of information on Matchbox toys. It concentrates mainly on the smaller 1 - 75 range size more than the Yesteryear scale. Lots of other interesting pages to keep you amused and engrossed. An amazing amount of links to sites about Matchbox. Pay it a visit, you won't regret it!

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A great site to search for collectors and dealers in old diecast toys. Most makes of models included and a notice board for wants etc.

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A really good site by Nick Jones with his wife Debbie, with lots of info about all ranges by Matchbox/Lesney. Also other models by lesser well known UK diecast manufactures such as Benbros, Lone Star etc. Has some interesting facts about early Lesney toys. Catch this guy on eBay as he sells some really top stuff and is excellent to deal with.

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One of the best forum sites on 1-75 / Superfast models I know of. A wonderful and friendly forum with incredible info. Most who collect these ranges are now members here due to the MCCH saga

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A really great site with heaps of information, sales of models, links to other collecting areas and interests. One visit and you will save under your favorites list for future reference. The website part of Model Web listed above.

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A great site from Russia by Sergey. Shows his personal collection and plenty of photographs. Nice to see someone from the Eastern side for a change. Have a browse. Both an English and Russian version.

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A shop with a great selection of Matchbox toys and many other brands. Their packing is superb and one of the best I have found. Prompt service and delivery, don't go past this one, have a browse.

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A one man operation,  puts out a list of very interesting items / models every two months. For a copy of his recent list send  3 IRC for postage to:

A. White, 39 Gilmour Road, Edinburgh EH16 5NS, UK, 

and he will  send lists on request. A pleasure to deal with and very prompt service (don't forget to add the reply postage)

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Nigel has pictures of some of the rarest MB regular wheels on his site. A collector of international standing and a contributor to many reference works. A true wonder to behold for the collector of this range. Well worth a browse even you don't collect them.

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A huge site focusing on the Superfast years, contains all the range with pictures of each model, the box ranges and the wheels used throughout the range. If this is your area of collecting then go no further as this is the 'piece de resistance' for Superfast models. A true labour of love.

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A very nice site that is easy to use and has some great pictures of the 1 to 75 range plus some Majors and Accessories. Jim has some excellent models for sale as well so have a browse.

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A very nice site and you will see as soon as you open it that Christian has a passion for all things Citroen. A wonderful display of all the various wheel types issued and the collectors carry cases as well as lots more. A well known authority on Superfast model, and a mine of information - don't miss it

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A very nice site that is easy to use. A pleasant change to see a site once again selling some good early Yesteryears and a great range of other Matchbox models from 1-75 to Kingsize. Well worth a browse, with reasonable prices. Very nicely done Becky, I will be back to browse often.

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The Bay Area Matchbox Collectors association in the US, a  very nice site that is easy to use with interesting content. I know from some other sites where members of this club post that they are some of the friendliest guys you would wish to meet. Arrange to meet some and be surprised as they love nothing more than to chat Matchbox.



Andrew Woods personal collection of Matchbox, Corgi, Dinky and Vanguards to name but a few. Very informative with some great info on these models. He is also based smack in the middle of one of my all time favorite freshwater fishing areas - fond memories.


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